Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Fruit?

The unity for which Christ lived and died is not an abstract ideal.
It is the result of hard work: suspending judgment, choosing others before self, forgiving, seeking reconciliation rather then nursing hurt pride.
In other words, it requires we die to self in Christ.
The fruit?
The blessings of God's peace!

The notion that one gains freedom by rebelling against god has been a popular illusion since Eden.
The paradox of the Gospel is that we are set free from the chains of our own making by choosing to yoke ourselves to Christ, who bursts our bonds by his own death and resurrection.
-- Magnificat, July 2007
I pray:
For those who are in prison
-- that they may learn the way to freedom.
For those who are entrapped in addiction
-- that they find the road to recovery.
For those who live in defiance of your word
-- that they may discover the freedom of the Gospel.

O my God, forgive what I have been,
correct what I am, and
direct what I shall be.
-- Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

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