Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Sacred Attitude

The basic and most fundamental problem in the spiritual life is this acceptance of our hidden and dark self, with which we tend to identify all the evil that is in us.

We must learn by discernment to separate the evil growth of our actions from the good ground of the soul.

And we must prepare that ground so that a new life can grow up from it within us, beyond our knowledge and beyond our conscious control.

The sacred attitude is then one of reverence, awe and silence before the mystery that begins to take place within us when we become aware of our inmost self.

In silence, hope, expectation, and unknowing, the man of faith abandons himself to the divine will: not as to an arbitrary and magic power whose decrees must be spelled out from cryptic ciphers, but as to the stream of reality and of life itself.

Thomas Merton.
The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation.


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