Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Revelations: Don't Have to Drink Again & Not Alone

Although I can barely recall anything about that [first] meeting, I heard two things I have never forgotten.

The first was, "You don't have to drink again."

This was a total revelation to me.  For a long time, I had believed that alcohol was one of the few positive things left in my life.

I looked forward to my first drink every evening and thought that alcohol was holding my life together.  I had to drink to survive, let alone to have any comfort.

Yet here were people who had been in the same boat telling me that I didn't have to drink.  I don't think I believed them that night, but it gave me enough hope to quit drinking the rest of the day.

The second thing I heard was "You don't have to be alone anymore."

This too was a revelation.

Alcoholics Anonymous, pp.364-365 


If I don't drink today,
I have the hope of a tomorrow.


Y A N A = You Are Not Alone.


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