Friday, July 4, 2008

Let Freedom Ring

With the gift of a land and a nation comes responsibility to the Giver.

As a Christian, I am seriously impelled by the vision of my nation’s founders to seek liberty, peace, and justice for all – a task that is never completed.

Let me cultivate for the final harvest the seed my founders sowed.

 Freedom is not achievement but gift.

Freedom is not license but radical obedience to God’s liberating law of love.

Let me give thanks for the gifts of freedom I have received and, trusting in My Creator as did my nation’s founders, let me seek to share them as gifts with all who are still enslaved by political oppression, social or economic injustice, or personal sin.



Today we make again our own

The hope which Christ, our life, has sown:

In fertile fields and streets of stone,

Let freedom ring!


Where Justice works amid the weed

Of rampant want and choking greed,

To loose the voice of human need,

Let freedom ring!


Where Mercy’s fingers, slashed and torn,

Untangle love from twisted thorn

Of anger, disbelief and scorn,

Let freedom ring!


In Christ, we tend what God has planned,

With justice, mercy, truth in hand

Till joy sings out through all the land:

Let freedom ring!


Let me pray for the gift of fidelity to all that God ask of me.

Free me to follow your ways, O Lord!

Where complacency darkens my vision of your will for me:

Free me to follow your ways, O Lord!

Where greed for personal gain dims my commitment to the welfare of all people:

Free me to follow your ways, O Lord!

Where the failure of faith discourages me from pursuing your goals for me:

Free me to follow your ways, O Lord!

God of all people and nations, you have called those who live in this land to pursue your vision of freedom, justice, and peace for all.

Keep me faithful to your gifts, that I may us them for the world’s good and the good of my own nation.



Let us not grow tired of doing good,
for in due time we shall reap our harvest,
if we do not give up.
(Gal 6: 9)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.