Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dawn's Secrets

The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.

- Jalaluddin Rumi

Do I hear the whisper of the wind today? Or do I close my mind and my soul to it?

Some days the best I can do is just try to listen for the secrets of life that a breezes carries. On other days, I embrace the message being carried by the wind.

Listening is something I must work at each day in many situations. I must first listen to learn.

For me it is simply - stay spiritually fit and be willing to embrace the opportunities, good or bad, that my Higher Power gives me each new day.

Each day begins with my first step towards pleasing the God of my understanding and my contact with Him throughout the day.

St. Paul tells us that faith comes from listening. God has things to tell us which will enlighten us—we must wait for him to speak. The Lord hears us more readily than we suspect; it is our listening to him that needs to be improved. - From Mornings With Fulton Sheen: 120 Holy Hour Readings

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