Saturday, January 26, 2008

Letting Go Of My Expectations

In order to arrive at possessing everything,
desire to possess nothing.
- St. John of the Cross

Expectations can cause havoc in my daily living.
I have a basic right to be treated with dignity and respect,
but that doesn't mean life will always go my way.

The twists and turns of life often carry me
up rivers of disappointment to shores I never chose to visit.

Facing life as a fully involved traveler,
without expectations about outcomes,
is perhaps the brightest way to travel.

It has been said that there is a direct proportion between
my level of expectation and the amount of stress I have in my lives.

Trusting the results to a larger plan allows
me to relax and enjoy the adventure of the journey.

I am more peaceful and confident, less frantic and controlling.
Trusting that my Higher Power will protect me,
no matter what I encounter on my journey,
helps me face the future with a calm and loving heart.


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