Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thoughts For The Week

Joy isn't the absence of pain –
it's the presence of God.

Each day is different and has a surprise in it,
like a Cracker Jack box.
--Alpha English

Remove the worry from your mind
Remove the anger from your heart
Give a lot
Expect little
Keep it simple.

Prayer is neither black magic nor
is it a form of demand note.
Prayer is a relationship.
--John Heuss

Modem-to-modem or face-to-face,
AA's speak the language of the heart.

Happiness is part of the journey,
not some distant destination.

Many people haven't even a nodding acquaintance
with humility as a way of life.

Pray to God but row to shore.

Choice of attention -
to pay attention to this and ignore that -
is to the inner life
what choice of action is to the outer.
In both cases, a man is responsible for his choice
and must accept the consequences.
--W. H. Auden

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