Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Have You Seen?

. . . Imagine trying to describe color to a blind person, or music to a deaf person.
Imagine trying to explain motherly or fatherly love to an orphan.
These are not ideas, but realities that come to us through experience.
We aare not just spiritual, but also physical; and so our experiences begin with what we hear and see and sense.
. . . What have you seen?
Who is a sign for you that Christ has come and remains with us?
. . . Someone who sacrifices joyfully?
A happily married couple?
A teacher?
A friend?
A colleague?
A family member?
Lord Jesus, help me to recognize the things I hear and see which speak of your Presence.
-- Father Richard Veras

Loving Father, let me be attentive to every experience
of my life so that I will always discover
the closeness of your Son.

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