Friday, March 11, 2011

Media ... The Danger

History again tells us that we must be so very careful not to let those who manage the news that Americans receive not deceive us.
The mantra that our efforts in defense of  America, including the Global War on Terror (GWOT), with major campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also around the world, is just.
We might question how the war is being fought, but we must not let the media, and those who seek to weaken America’s exceptionalismcarry the day.

From soldier that that served in Vietnam:
We were winning and all of us that were there knew it to one degree or another. Cronkite was ever so subtle in his undermining of the American will - just as the majority of the media are today in their unrelenting disdain for American exceptionalism.
Many of us who served in the war still say, "we were winning when I was there!" and I guess we were right.  Case closed.

General VoNguyen Giap.
General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader of the North Vietnam military.
The following quote is from his memoirs currently found in the Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi :
'What we still don't understand is why you Americans stopped the bombing of Hanoi . You had us on the ropes.
If you had pressed us a little harder, just for another day or two, we were ready to surrender! It was the same at the battle of TET.
You defeated us!
We knew it, and we thought you knew it.
But we were elated to notice your media was helping us.
They were causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields.
We were ready to surrender.
You had won!'

General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed what most Americans knew. The Vietnam war was not lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home. The same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media, is currently underway. It exposes the enormous power of a biased media to cut out the heart and will of the American public.

A truism worthy of note: 
Do not fear the enemy, for they can take only your life. 
Fear the media,  for they will destroy your honor.

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