Monday, September 10, 2007

Elder's Meditation -- The Inside

All permanent and lasting change starts first on the inside and works its way out.
Having constant prayer and Creator directed visions helps us to live in harmony.
This is the best way to grow strong and become a Warrior.
No matter what is going on outside of ourselves, it is our projection that makes it so.
It is our projections that even give it any meaning.
Another way is each day to turn our life and our will over to the care of the Great Spirit.
Then He will show us His desire for us.
When we are in alignment to His desire, we become very joyful and very happy.

Oh Great Spirit, You take care of me today and
tell me what I can do for You today.
Give me the discipline to talk to You
whenever I am in doubt or fear.
Let me come to You if I get irritated.
You are my solution.

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