Tuesday, September 28, 2010


My mom has made me laugh, wiped my tears, hugged me tight, watched me succeed, seen me fail, cheered me on, kept me going strong and drove me crazy!  Moms are a promise from God that you will have a friend forever.

I love you mom!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys. . .
It is trux that thxrx arx forty-six kxys that function wxll enough, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxnce.
Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that our AA program is somxwhat likx my typxwritxr . . . not all thx kxy pxoplx arx working propxrly.
You may say to yoursxlf, "Wxll, I am only onx pxrson.
What if I miss a mxxting or two?"
But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx bxcausx thx AA program, to bx xffxctivx, nxxds thx activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr.
Meetings: a check-up from the neck up.